Which Country Invented Whatsapp?

which country invented whatsapp

What country invented whatsapp? That is a question many folks ask, even though they have no use for the messaging app on their mobile phones. For years now it has been one of the most popular apps on the planet. So, who did it? It seems that an enterprising group of individuals form the "Home Business Guys" may have actually done it.

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The answer to the question of "what country invented whatsapp?" may surprise some. According to a group of researchers from Harvard University and Carnegie Mellon University, it was Thomas Hazlett, who filed the patent rights for the technology in 1997. However, it appears that the technology was in the works since at least the mid-nineties. One of the reasons that this group believes its inventor was a cell phone's company: because they believe a patent was obtained by Apple in 1997 for a similar, but different, messaging system.


The technology that was used for messaging back then was much different from what is being used today, according to the researchers. For instance, individuals would use an instant messaging program such as MSN, Yahoo, Skype or others. This system would allow them to send voice messages, files and pictures. However, it lacked something very important. Specifically, it did not allow individuals to talk over cellular phones.

Which Country Invented Whatsapp?


The messaging systems of yesteryear were very limited in their abilities. There were no applications, at all, for browsing the web, uploading media or viewing photos. One day, however, a social networking was created. It allowed individuals to make friends, create groups and, in general, communicate with others around the globe. As the year went along, more individuals started sending and receiving messages on this unique system.


As the months passed, even more people started sending each other messages, through this unique application. Then, a disturbing new development was created. It allowed individuals to talk with anyone who had a cellular phone. In short, millions of people from all over the world can communicate with each other on a regular basis; something which was previously not possible.


When these changes were made, it became obvious to everyone that this incredible application needed to be found out. Therefore, it was discovered that the developers of whatsapp had hidden some information from previous versions. It is unknown why they did this, but it did occur. Regardless, it is good to know that the developers of the messaging system had thought of something like a search engine before.


Today, there are still many guides online that explain exactly how this amazing application was developed. Interestingly, many of these same programs show that the invention of whatsapp may have actually been in China a few years ago, but it took some time for the application to become available to the western world. One of the interesting things that happens when you read the many guides online is that they all begin to place blame on the Chinese government, for blocking the development of the messaging system.


However, the simple truth is that no one knows for sure when or where this incredible application was developed. There has only been a single instance that references the Chinese mobile phones that are used today, as being the original. However, it is also possible that the internet protocol was modified slightly in the interim, allowing access to the internet protocol to be sent to mobile phones. No one is aware of the exact process, but we can rest assured that the country that invented whatsapp probably did so unintentionally.


It is also interesting to note that the same program that was used to create the instant messaging systems of the Chinese government, called MaDiao, was also used to develop this new product. Another interesting fact, is that the invention of whatsapp was almost done in the US, by the University of California, Berkeley. However, due to certain legal issues, the project was abandoned and the company moved to develop the better known cell phones that we know today. Another reason why it was never released to the west is that China wanted to ensure that their territorial boundaries were respected and that internet censorship was not implemented. This is likely the reason why there are no cell phones that support this application.


To conclude, it is safe to say that the country that invented whatsapp probably did so unintentionally. Had the Chinese allowed for greater market access, they may have become the new global leader in this application. There is no denying the fact that the invention of the smartphone is a real boon to the world, and the use of the internet protocol is now widespread throughout the entire world. Therefore, if you ever want to play a prank on somebody, make sure you have the latest version of the Iphone, and you won't be disappointed.

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